The query termserver CMD command is a Windows command line prompt that is used to query the status of a terminal server. It is used to determine whether the terminal server is running, and if so, what type of services it is providing. The query termserver command can also be used to check the status of the terminal server’s connections, as well as the number of users currently connected to the server. This command is especially useful for network administrators who need to quickly check the status of a terminal server.

Purpose of the Query Termserver CMD Command

The query termserver CMD command is used to query the status of a terminal server. It can be used to determine whether the terminal server is running, and if so, what type of services it is providing. It can also be used to check the status of the terminal server’s connections, as well as the number of users currently connected to the server. This command is especially useful for network administrators who need to quickly check the status of a terminal server.

Syntax of the Query Termserver CMD Command

The syntax of the query termserver CMD command is as follows:

  • query termserver [/server ServerName] [/v]

The /server option is used to specify the name of the terminal server that you want to query. If this option is omitted, the command will query the local terminal server. The /v option is used to display verbose output, which includes additional information about the terminal server.

Options of the Query Termserver CMD Command

The query termserver CMD command has two options:

Option Description
/server Specifies the name of the terminal server that you want to query.
/v Displays verbose output, which includes additional information about the terminal server.

Examples of the Query Termserver CMD Command

The following examples show how to use the query termserver CMD command:

  1. To query the local terminal server, type the following command:
    • query termserver
  2. To query a remote terminal server, type the following command:
    • query termserver /server ServerName
  3. To query a remote terminal server and display verbose output, type the following command:
    • query termserver /server ServerName /v


The query termserver CMD command is a Windows command line prompt that is used to query the status of a terminal server. It is used to determine whether the terminal server is running, and if so, what type of services it is providing. The query termserver command can also be used to check the status of the terminal server’s connections, as well as the number of users currently connected to the server. This command is especially useful for network administrators who need to quickly check the status of a terminal server.

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